Helpful Guide To Adding Plants To Your Pond
A pond may be a beautiful feature for any outdoor space and offers a tranquil atmosphere for relaxation after an extended day at work. Adding aquatic plants and a
lake water fountain will help maintain your pond keeping it smelling fresh and looking good. Plants are a perfect way to naturally balance your pond and seamless maintenance.
Why add plants into your pond?
Limiting the growth of algae
Adding aquatic plants will help block sunlight from reaching the water depths, thus inhibiting unsightly algae bloom from taking over your pond. Not only will algae clog up your filters, but it causes your pond water to turn green and murky. In addition, pond plants use water nutrients, which will starve algae, prohibiting its growth keeping your water clear and smelling fresh year-round.
Shelter for fish
Many pond owners like to stock their ponds with fish. Ponds tend to attract other aquatic animals such as frogs. However, ponds may also attract predators that will pray on your fish and other aquatic life. Here is another way that plants will come in quite handy. Plants provide shelter for fish and other aquatic animals from predators. Plus, plants are a great source of food for fish and other aquatic organisms. Therefore, adding plants to your pond will encourage the lifecycle.
Oxygenating the water
Oxygen is crucial in a pond for your fish to thrive. Without adequate oxygen levels, aquatic organisms will die, eventually leading to an unpleasant smell to the water. Adding a
water fountain in a pond will encourage water movement, which raises oxygen levels throughout the pond. The pond fountain and plants work cohesively to maintain a healthy level of oxygen in the water for aquatic life to thrive. Inadequate oxygen levels will not only put the health of your fish at risk, but it will encourage algae blooms. Check online for a pond fountain manufacturer.
Water filtration
Plants have a natural way of filtering water in a pond, and they absorb nutrients from the water, keeping it looking clear and healthy. However, it is important to have a good balance of plants for them to efficiently filter the pond water. Overcrowding or sickly plants are unsightly and will cause excess debris in the pond when they die off, leading to murky water. Be sure to remove dead plants and leaves from the pond regularly.
Natural blend
There are different materials that make up a pond. Aquatic plants soften the barrier between the pond and the rest of the yard creating a more organic, natural look to the landscape without any stiff artificial boundaries. With the right plants, you can hide the external pond equipment such as pipes, pumps, fencing, or posts.
Enhancing aesthetics
Plants give your pond that wow factor. There are so many species of plants to choose from, including those with rare foliage shapes and colors. Some plants even have fascinating growth habits and aquatic blooms that will add visual interest to the pond. Adding plants will transform your pond to a stunning waterscape in your outdoor space.
How to choose plants for your pond
Though plants look beautiful in any pond, the type of plant you choose makes a difference. There are a wide variety of aquatic plants available with various features that are suitable for specific ponds. The wrong selection of plants will inhibit the beauty of your waterscape, and some plants are overcrowding, eventually leading to clogging of the pond. Your climate conditions are also something that you need to keep in mind when selecting your plants.
What to consider when selecting plants for your pond:
· Amount of light needed in the pond
· Mature growth size of the plants
· Shape, color, height, and variety of plants
· The ability of fish to feed on the plants
· The ability of the plants to withstand sudden changes in temperature
Type of plants to include in your pond
It is very important to have a good understanding of which plants to include in your pond. For ideal water protection and to create a healthy environment for the plants, covering approximately 60 percent of the pond surface is a good rule of thumb. The species of plants for a pond include:
· Floating plants such as parrot’s feather, frogbit, and water lettuce
· Bog plants which extend above the water’s surface such as cattails, irises, rushes, and water Hawthorne
· Submerged plants such as red ludwigia, water moss, hornwort, and curled pondweed
Understanding the different types of plants will help you select the vegetation that is best for your pond for a thriving aquatic ecosystem. Following the guidelines of aquatic plant care is important for a healthy and beautiful pond that you and your family can enjoy year-round.