Not money or the most valuable assets for children, but education and determining the children’s school that is most important for children as an investment for future success. It’s not easy to find the best international school thailand for children, many factors must be considered. Therefore, as parents do not arbitrarily choose children’s education. Even expensive schools do not guarantee that they are suitable for children. Because it is not only a matter of school that must be considered but also from the character and also the potential of children. Because the right choice will have a big impact on children’s growth.
From the start of Play Group education, Elementary School (SD), Junior High School (SMP) to High School (SMA), of course, you as parents want the best for education. Want to know what factors need to be considered for baby education that you should consider!
1. Child Potential
The most important thing in choosing the right place of education is that you must first understand the character of your child. What is your child’s potential? Look for schools that can channel their potential so your child can develop. If your child has talent in sports, try taking him to a school that has active sports activities. Or another example might be the child has potential in the field of language or art. You can explore further whether the school is in line with your child’s potential. For that, look for information about the school as much as possible on the internet, for example, you can visit the website https://www.standrewssukhumvit.com/.
2. Children’s Character
Still related to point number one, you also have to understand the characters in children. Choose a school that matches the child’s character. Do not let you choose the wrong, if the school you choose backs up with the character of children, it can make it uncomfortable or even go to school. And also see the condition and interests of your child.
3. School Track Records
The track record of the school is very important, see what achievements the school has achieved to develop your child’s potential. Want from academic or non-academic. School achievement will certainly have a good effect on your child so that his psychology is shared to do the same or better. And another thing that must be considered is bad records at school, such as violence, bullying or harassment that occurs. You try to avoid the school with a bad track record because you certainly don’t want the baby to enter the environment.
4. Environmental Conditions and School Facilities
You can assess the environment and facilities when opening an open house. You can pay attention to facilities and infrastructure at the school. Not only the school’s laboratory or field, but you also have to pay attention to details such as the cleanliness of the toilet or perhaps the atmosphere of the canteen and also the condition of the school class itself. Is that enough to support the learning process that makes your child comfortable?
5. Qualified Teachers
Teachers like Parents, Parents who work in schools. Maybe you can come visit so you can see what the teacher looks like. Good teachers, professionals, fun, able to communicate with children and have competence in their fields are the main keys. If possible, your baby can join the trial class and you can see how the learning atmosphere is.
6. Applied Curriculum
In general, private or public schools in Indonesia follow the curriculum set by the government. But there are also some schools that follow the curriculum adopted outside the education curriculum set by the government. Find out if the curriculum set at the school is right for your child. Because this is one of the important things you should consider when enrolling your child in school.
7. Children’s Choices
The last thing that is also important in choosing a place of education is your child’s own choice. Invite children in this election. Because your own child will run it. So you have to make the child comfortable because he will spend half the day at school. Ask him, which school is fun.
Now, you already know what needs to be considered for your child’s school. Make sure you give special time and attention to this. That way, you will get the right school for your child. Don’t make the wrong choice!